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  • March is often called the second summer! Temperatures can reach that of the peak of summer for a few days at a time. Generally though, nights are a bit cooler. So with daytime temperatures still quite high, the most important thing to do, is get a quality wetting agent and soil moisture retainer, such as Aquaforce and Biagra, down on to your lawns now to hold water against the root zones where it is needed most. 
A picture containing text, grass

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A picture containing text, grass

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  • If you wish to limit Wintergrass from invading your lawn over winter, this is the time to apply a pre-emergent to prevent the weeds from establishing. We recommend that the first application be put out in the middle of March. (St Patrick’s Day is a great day to mark on the calendar as a reminder!)
  • Keep an eye for lawn grubs now, as humidity rises. This is the time of year for army worm, cut worm and pearl worm to invade your lawn. The first sign of these pests is small, white, or light brown moths flying low, above your lawn in the evenings. If you see these, then start looking for the caterpillars that are sure to do damage to your lawn. 
A insect on the plant

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  • If you do see signs of grub attack, such as circles or small areas of quickly dying lawn, fill a bucket with lukewarm, soapy water, and pour the entire bucket full over the affected area. If you have grubs, they will very quickly come to the surface. (Note: That there may be differing stages of larvae occurring in the same spot, so the caterpillars may vary from less than a half a centimetre in length to over 2.5 centimetres in length.) If you find evidence of these destructive critters, you can apply a granulated lawn grub killer. Treat immediately to minimise lawn loss. This usually sorts the problem out quick smart.
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Lawn Builder 4kg Scotts Grub + Insect Slow Release Lawn Fertiliser