Irrigated, healthy, natural turf is the best air conditioner you can have around your home. Let us help you to keep your lawns and gardens alive and well, to provide the many benefits that they do over the coming really hot months. With permanent water efficiency measures in place, we need to do everything we can to assist our lawns and gardens to stay alive and healthy.
- Apply summer wetting agent/ soil moisture retainer application. This application is the absolutely imperative, make sure it’s a thorough one. Apply these agents on the day before your irrigation run, ensuring that the product is watered in well. For the next four months, we need to ensure that our lawns and gardens have as much help as possible to stay wetted during the heat.

- As temperatures rise and winds can become a problem in December in WA, keep an eye out for dry patches or drying lawn. If you leave footprints in your lawn, or it feels crispy to walk on, or even if it looks a little blue in colour, it means that your lawn is thirsty………or it isn’t up taking the water provided very well. Ensure that these areas definitely get a good application of wetting agent and soil moisture retainer as a first port of call. Water in well. After this hand water these areas that tend to be dry, on those really hot days to sustain your lawns and gardens.
- Check irrigation systems again for blockages leaks and uniformity of cover.
- Feed your lawn. It will require good nutrition to get it through the extended heat periods that have become common place over recent summers. Apply a quality slow-release granular fertiliser as per manufacturer instructions. You won’t need more than a 2-litre ice-cream container full for 100m².
- Apply a liquid kelp, carbon, humate/ humic acid to enhance plant and soil health. These natural products are 100% organic, and rich in valuable minerals, cytokinins, and antioxidants. They assist in
- Increasing root growth depth in your lawn
- Quickly Improve overall appearance in colour, turf density, and hardiness
- Enhances natural resistance to stresses such as disease, drought, and insect pressures
- Increases nutrient levels and uptake in plants
- Increases plant carbohydrate production, which enhances grass root and blade development
- Increases photosynthesis and chlorophyll production. “Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce the food they need for daily function. The food they create is called carbohydrates”. Carbohydrates, are the energy source for nearly all the plants, including turf.
- Renovate – Core if you haven’t already done so and top-dress if you have bare and low patches in your lawn and unamended soil under your lawn and gardens. By taking the opportunity to top dress any low areas in your turf grass at this time, you will find that the areas will quickly cover due to the warmer weather, and that they should be completely covered over with healthy lawn by mid-January.

As temperatures rise, try to mow early in the day in the immediate 24 hours after irrigation, to limit heat stress in your lawn.

Tidy up edges and lower your mower height. Mow weekly 10-15mm. See here for details