When is Turf NOT Grass?
...When it's artificial plastic carpet!
The Turf Growers Association WA does NOT consider plastic carpet to be turf! Synthetic turf is actually a petro-chemical based plastic woven carpet. Why it can be called synthetic ‘turf’ amazes us!
Synthetic turf companies have illegitimately created an illusion by taking on the name and benefits of natural turf. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It’s time for natural turf to take back prime place in our homes, gardens and public spaces. Here’s some reasons why:
Check out these articles:
Separating the myths and facts
Camoreland submission on hosken reserve refresh
Environmental Consequences of Rubber Crumb Application Soil and Water Pollution
Hort Insights Synthetic Turf article Australian Institute of Horticulture June 2021
Higher Injury Rates on Synthetic 2012-16
Artificial grass in parks as a potential
Examining the environmental impacts of artificial grass